Helping Organizations with Employee Concern Employers: Book Time With THE FIRM

Hostile Work Environment

Employees often complain of a hostile work environment and harassment interchangeably and without using these ‘magic words.’ There is a distinct definition of a Hostile Work Environment; however, employers should remember that courts make determinations of illegality well after the employer’s obligation to investigate is triggered. Employers must regard all claims of a hostile work environment or harassment seriously to avoid the risk of legal liability stemming from a disproportionally small response. The tricky part for any manager or employer is to determine how formally or informally to respond to the employee’s report. The Lynch Law Firm has conducted hundreds of investigations that allege hostility with minute distinctions based on the industry, interpersonal dynamics, and characters of the involved employees.

Decades of Experience


Are you concerned about a hostile work environment at your company? Schedule a consultation with Natalie Lynch today to discuss your concerns. Employee harassment and environmental complaints are often vague and imprecise, making it incredibly difficult to determine the seriousness of the initial complaint. We have conducted hundreds of investigations that allege hostility with minute distinctions based on the industry, interpersonal dynamics, and characters of the involved employees. At Lynch Law, we can help you resolve employee disputes before they become unmanageable and lead to a lawsuit. The Lynch Law Firm has AWI investigators, business psychologists, credentialed HR staff, nonprofit management professionals, and attorneys who can help you get what you need.