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#WorkplaceInvestigations #TitleVII #LynchLaw #TexasHR #HR #Legal #AustinTexas #AWI

What Do I Do If Somebody Cries?

I usually acknowledge that they're having an emotion and ask if they need a minute and get them a Kleenex. And beyond that, I don't do much at all about it.
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#WorkplaceInvestigations #TitleVII #LynchLaw #TexasHR #HR #Legal #AustinTexas #AWI

What Do You Do If Somebody Starts Yelling at You During an Interview?

You remember that you got thick skin, and you remember that it's not personal. Some people are just loud and, as they get agitated, they get louder. And some people really do mean to yell at you, not just for the sake of being loud, but because they're angry with you.
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#WorkplaceInvestigations #TitleVII #LynchLaw #TexasHR #HR #Legal #AustinTexas #AWI

What Do You Do If a Witness Asks You for Legal Advice?

What do you do if a witness asks you for legal advice? You don't give it to them. It's as simple as that. And this question goes to people who both are attorneys, as well as investigators who aren't attorneys.
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#WorkplaceInvestigations #TitleVII #LynchLaw #TexasHR #HR #Legal #AustinTexas #AWI

What Do You Do With All Your Investigative Notes?

I still take investigative notes by hand for a lot of reasons, but that leaves me, at the end of an investigation, being a person with investigative notes. And I don't really like paper files.
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#WorkplaceInvestigations #TitleVII #LynchLaw #TexasHR #HR #Legal #AustinTexas #AWI

What Do You Do If Somebody Just Won't Participate?

I think you just acknowledge that you cannot control them. There are reasons that people don't participate. If they're hospitalized, they're in a coma – they're not going to participate. That seems awfully excusable. And I think you document that there was a legitimate physical medical reason that the person did not participate in an investigation. And you probably need to explain that if it's a glaring hole in your investigation.
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What Do You Do If Somebody Asks You Who Else is Being Interviewed?

This also comes up a lot, and sometimes it's innocuous and not ... They're not trying to be strategic. But you're having a conversation, and they'll be like, "Oh, well, if you talk to Bill, they'll tell you about this too. Are you talking to Bill?" They don't even think through what they're asking you.
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